Lowe’s Home Improvement
Home improvement and contract construction never stop, with Lowe’s I have designed numerous types of promotional ad content including individual banner ads, jump navs, banner carousels, apps, and larger promotions like full home page designs, and providing support to product launches and brand partnerships.


Home Page Design

Workflow was centered around the banner carousel, design based on generic, seasonal and contractor style guides.


Examples of other hero banner carousel ads designed for homepage utilizing a standard and seasonal brand style guide of shapes and colors to create sequential assets for both desktop and mobile viewing platforms.


Energy Savings Event Jump Navigation Menu

When producing this category navigation menu, I was provided lockup for the event, and with it I paired a sleek but dimensional background patterned from elements within Lowe’s generic style guide. Also took the route of the square (diamond) button to reflect design above, and stand out as an event - since most of these buttons appear round.


Illustrations and Icons for Lowe’s

These sections are on various category pages of the site and are used to demonstrate product features, it was a combined effort of design, copy editors , and the online sales team to interpret the feature and how to best display it for the customer, as a simple icon with no copy, or as an illustration with more detail.